From the Lead Pastor/President, Larry Andes

Larry Andes, Pastor and CEO/President
Joyful Greetings!
We trust you will enjoy visiting our site, listening to some of the short radio programs and learning more about Fishnet Ministries Church, a non-denominational church near Front Royal, Virginia.
Our ministry offices, worship center, and church are located at the 17 acre campus in Warren County near Winchester, VA, about 60 miles west of the Washington, D.C. Beltway.
We pray for the people in our nation and people around the world who suffer for their faith in Jesus Christ!
To each person who has attended Fishnet Festivals, given of your finances, prayed for us, and served on the volunteer staff, we want you to know we deeply appreciate your partnership and friendship. Thank you!
It has been my pleasure to oversee the outreaches of Fishnet, with the faithful partnership of my wife Bobbi Andes, since the inception of Fishnet Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization, in 1975. Fishnet Ministries, Inc. merged with Fishnet Christian Center in May 2017 and the Commonwealth of Virginia, upon our request, approved the new name Fishnet Ministries Church. Our mission remains the same, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with unbelievers and teaching Bible principles on how to live a joyous life style for Christ.
Here is a bit more history of the Fishnet Festival ministry. My wife and I had the privilege of coordinating the first Fishnet Festival in July 1975 before Fishnet Ministries, Inc., was founded. In 1975 the event was sponsored, for the first and only for one year, by Arlington Assembly of God, with the supportive vision of Rev. Claude Qualls. Fishnet Ministries, Inc. was founded in 1976 by my wife, Bobbi and I, as a separate non-denominational organization, not part of any church, and was solely funded by donations of God's people. FMI sponsored all Fishnet Festivals beginning in 1976. The Fishnet Festivals were held from 1975 to 1979 on the 150-acre farm owned by James and Jane Stephens, Sr. From 1980 throughout the 34- year Fishnet Festival duration, the events were held at the 236- acre Fishnet Life Center.
Fishnet fest-events were attended by hundreds of thousands of people over the years and thousands accepted Christ. The Festivals were non-denominational and targeted the interests and needs of people of many nationalities, ages, denominations and non-denominational groups. We humbly acknowledge God's gracious, generous and protective provision during these amazing years since 1975. Click on the 'Events' tab and enjoy some of the rich history of Fishnet Festivals.
Our emphasis has evolved to train disciples for Christ through weekly worship services and share radio programs through the internet and media ministry. Bible truths are taught on how to grow in your faith, blended traditional and contemporary worship times are experienced, fellowship opportunities are provided, special prayer times made available and there is an emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit in your life!
Please listen to samples of the radio programs on this site. You may check out the programs on the 'Listen' page.
If you live in the area or anywhere in the USA, we invite you to join with us for worship and teaching from God's Word Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at Fishnet Ministries Church or via Zoom. Come As You Are! We are located at 391 Fishnet Blvd., Front Royal, VA 22630. You may use this address for GPS. (Mailing address is: P.O. Box 1919, Front Royal, VA 22630). Note: Most services are currently being held via Zoom.
If you have experienced an impacting spiritual event in your life at a Fishnet festival, through the radio program or at Fishnet Ministries Church, I invite you to send us a brief account of your experience at We always enjoy hearing from those who have a special report on how God has used this ministry in their lives.
Please e-mail us, write, or call and we will gratefully receive your comments.
God loves you and so do we!
Larry D. Andes, Pastor
Fishnet Ministries Church
We trust you will enjoy visiting our site, listening to some of the short radio programs and learning more about Fishnet Ministries Church, a non-denominational church near Front Royal, Virginia.
Our ministry offices, worship center, and church are located at the 17 acre campus in Warren County near Winchester, VA, about 60 miles west of the Washington, D.C. Beltway.
We pray for the people in our nation and people around the world who suffer for their faith in Jesus Christ!
To each person who has attended Fishnet Festivals, given of your finances, prayed for us, and served on the volunteer staff, we want you to know we deeply appreciate your partnership and friendship. Thank you!
It has been my pleasure to oversee the outreaches of Fishnet, with the faithful partnership of my wife Bobbi Andes, since the inception of Fishnet Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization, in 1975. Fishnet Ministries, Inc. merged with Fishnet Christian Center in May 2017 and the Commonwealth of Virginia, upon our request, approved the new name Fishnet Ministries Church. Our mission remains the same, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with unbelievers and teaching Bible principles on how to live a joyous life style for Christ.
Here is a bit more history of the Fishnet Festival ministry. My wife and I had the privilege of coordinating the first Fishnet Festival in July 1975 before Fishnet Ministries, Inc., was founded. In 1975 the event was sponsored, for the first and only for one year, by Arlington Assembly of God, with the supportive vision of Rev. Claude Qualls. Fishnet Ministries, Inc. was founded in 1976 by my wife, Bobbi and I, as a separate non-denominational organization, not part of any church, and was solely funded by donations of God's people. FMI sponsored all Fishnet Festivals beginning in 1976. The Fishnet Festivals were held from 1975 to 1979 on the 150-acre farm owned by James and Jane Stephens, Sr. From 1980 throughout the 34- year Fishnet Festival duration, the events were held at the 236- acre Fishnet Life Center.
Fishnet fest-events were attended by hundreds of thousands of people over the years and thousands accepted Christ. The Festivals were non-denominational and targeted the interests and needs of people of many nationalities, ages, denominations and non-denominational groups. We humbly acknowledge God's gracious, generous and protective provision during these amazing years since 1975. Click on the 'Events' tab and enjoy some of the rich history of Fishnet Festivals.
Our emphasis has evolved to train disciples for Christ through weekly worship services and share radio programs through the internet and media ministry. Bible truths are taught on how to grow in your faith, blended traditional and contemporary worship times are experienced, fellowship opportunities are provided, special prayer times made available and there is an emphasis on the power of the Holy Spirit in your life!
Please listen to samples of the radio programs on this site. You may check out the programs on the 'Listen' page.
If you live in the area or anywhere in the USA, we invite you to join with us for worship and teaching from God's Word Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at Fishnet Ministries Church or via Zoom. Come As You Are! We are located at 391 Fishnet Blvd., Front Royal, VA 22630. You may use this address for GPS. (Mailing address is: P.O. Box 1919, Front Royal, VA 22630). Note: Most services are currently being held via Zoom.
If you have experienced an impacting spiritual event in your life at a Fishnet festival, through the radio program or at Fishnet Ministries Church, I invite you to send us a brief account of your experience at We always enjoy hearing from those who have a special report on how God has used this ministry in their lives.
Please e-mail us, write, or call and we will gratefully receive your comments.
God loves you and so do we!
Larry D. Andes, Pastor
Fishnet Ministries Church
About the Pastor
About Pastor Larry; President and Co-Founder of Fishnet Ministries, Inc.
Co-founder and Pastor of Fishnet Christian Center (Now Fishnet Ministries Church)
About Bobbi Andes Secretary/Treasurer and Co-Founder of Fishnet Ministries, Inc.
About Pastor Larry; President and Co-Founder of Fishnet Ministries, Inc.
- Co-founded Fishnet Ministries, Inc. with his wife Bobbi Andes in 1976 which sponsored the annual Fishnet Christian festivals
- Annual Fishnet festivals have drawn up to 18,000 people from many denominations - All four days attendance added cumulatively have approached approximately 65,000 people for one event
Co-founder and Pastor of Fishnet Christian Center (Now Fishnet Ministries Church)
- Co-founder with his wife Bobbi Andes of Fishnet Ministries Church, a non-denominational church
- Lead Pastor of Fishnet Ministries Church
- Initially ordained in 1975
- Served on the pastoral team of three different churches in Associate Pastor, Youth Pastor and Co-Pastor roles. Plus served as Senior Pastor in two non-denominational churches, one currently.
- Earned Bachelor of Science Degree in Pastoral Studies from North Central Bible College and North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Studied in the graduate program at Bethel Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Studied at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Springfield, Missouri
- Called to serve as a bridge builder between different denominations, age and ethnic groupings
- Committed to networking between denominational and non-denominational groups
- Special interest in the needs of young people, equipping youth for mission's outreaches and training youth to meet the challenges of life in a victorious manner
- Draws from a rich heritage of over 40 years of ministry and brings encouragement and challenge in the development of Christian character
- Unique background equips him to share fresh insights Biblically and provide practical applications, often in a humorous manner
About Bobbi Andes Secretary/Treasurer and Co-Founder of Fishnet Ministries, Inc.
- Co-founder with her husband Larry Andes of Fishnet Ministries, Inc. (founded in 1976) which sponsored the annual Fishnet Christian festivals
- Innovatively blends traditional and contemporary Christian music styles when leading worship at Fishnet Christian Center church
- Professional background in accounting
- Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music degree from Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia
- Outstanding Teacher of the Year in her graduating class from Shenandoah University
- Taught music at elementary and high school levels
- Successfully established Joyful Noise Piano seminars
- Accomplished keyboardist and a gifted educator