"If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord you will be saved."
- Romans 10:9
How to become a Christian
- Do you believe that Jesus is more than just a good man and a great prophet?
- Do you believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of God and He loves you so much that He died for your sins and rose again so you could be with Him in heaven for all eternity?
Believing and confessing that Jesus is Lord makes you a Christian, but this prayer is not the end of the journey. It is the beginning.
Being a Christian Is More Than Just:
- Going to church
- Tithing (giving 10% of your income to God's work)
- Smiling and being nice to people
- Doing good deeds
Being a Christian is a lifetime commitment, not just something we do on Sunday. Jesus must be Lord of all your life or He is not your Lord at all. So what should you do to live in God's best plan for your life? Here are some important things you can do to grow in your love and thankfulness to the Lord after you have confessed and repented of your sin before God.
1. Read the Bible!
In order to find God's will for your life you must read the Bible. It is the highest authority on right and wrong because it is God's Word. A good place to start reading is in any of the following books:
- The book of John tells why Jesus is the Son of God.
- The book of Matthew tells you about the life of Jesus and has instructions for life in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount (chapters 5, 6 and 7).
- The book of Romans talks about how to be assured of your salvation.
Reading the Bible is powerful and rewarding! It strengthens your faith and gives you direction!
"Your Word (the Scripture in the Bible) is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
- Psalm 119:105
2. Go to church!
Find a Bible-teaching church and attend everything you possibly can from Sunday morning to week day gatherings, to feeding the hungry and wrapping Christmas presents for children, to barbecue cookouts! It is important that you find a church that teaches the same things the Bible teaches.
3. Pray!
God loves you no matter what you have done. God loves you more than anyone else and He loves to hear what you have been going through.
Praying isn't a bunch of fancy words that you have to memorize. Prayer is talking and listening to God, like you would your best friend.
Even if you feel that your best friend has forsaken you, God still loves you. When you mess up and sin, or break God's laws found in the Bible, then if you humble yourself and confess your sin to God, He will forgive you; guaranteed!
Don't let the fear of failure discourage you from living for the Lord. Babe Ruth said, "Never let the fear of striking out get in your way."
4. Worship!
Worshiping God is essential. Worshiping God is expressed through who you are and how you live. Praise and worship can also be found at the beginning and end of most Bible-teaching church services. Worshiping God is exhilarating!
Find a Bible-teaching church and attend everything you possibly can from Sunday morning to week day gatherings, to feeding the hungry and wrapping Christmas presents for children, to barbecue cookouts! It is important that you find a church that teaches the same things the Bible teaches.
3. Pray!
God loves you no matter what you have done. God loves you more than anyone else and He loves to hear what you have been going through.
Praying isn't a bunch of fancy words that you have to memorize. Prayer is talking and listening to God, like you would your best friend.
Even if you feel that your best friend has forsaken you, God still loves you. When you mess up and sin, or break God's laws found in the Bible, then if you humble yourself and confess your sin to God, He will forgive you; guaranteed!
Don't let the fear of failure discourage you from living for the Lord. Babe Ruth said, "Never let the fear of striking out get in your way."
4. Worship!
Worshiping God is essential. Worshiping God is expressed through who you are and how you live. Praise and worship can also be found at the beginning and end of most Bible-teaching church services. Worshiping God is exhilarating!
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship."
- Romans 1:125.
5. Fellowship!
Now that you have accepted Christ into your own life, share the new life He has given you with others! It is important that you find other Christians who will love and care for you and help you get up after you stumble and walk forward with Jesus. Being around other Christians is important so you don't feel alone and will grow in your faith.
What does Born-again mean? Now that you have accepted Jesus into your heart He actually lives inside you! Your body is His temple! "Born-again" means you are dead to your old life of sin and spiritually born again! John 3:3;14:16 & 17
Now that you have accepted Christ into your own life, share the new life He has given you with others! It is important that you find other Christians who will love and care for you and help you get up after you stumble and walk forward with Jesus. Being around other Christians is important so you don't feel alone and will grow in your faith.
What does Born-again mean? Now that you have accepted Jesus into your heart He actually lives inside you! Your body is His temple! "Born-again" means you are dead to your old life of sin and spiritually born again! John 3:3;14:16 & 17
Let us know if you just believed in Jesus Christ and repented of your sins! If you have just confessed your sins to Jesus Christ and made Him the Lord of your life, contact us and let us know!
Let us know if you have any other questions about Jesus or the Bible!
We hope to see you in heaven!
Let us know if you have any other questions about Jesus or the Bible!
We hope to see you in heaven!